Artist’s Reception – Wednesday, Janury 19 from 5 – 7pm, complimentary tapas provided.
Welcome, hopefully this exhibit will have something for everyone to appreciate. It just might give you a new direction of thought and adventure to experience. Attended the Columbus College of Art and Design. Have been an instructor and periodic guest lecturer in the Industrial Design Department at Ohio State University. Studied with Hoyt Sherman at Ohio State University. Exhibited in Paris, France, plus many additional exhibits and gallery representations. I’m always interested in Art History and presently operating a graphic design communications firm in Columbus, Ohio. Currently I am a board member for the Motts Military Museum. My firm has designed the museum’s exhibit spaces and created several museum promotional pieces. I’m a founding member of the Columbus Society of Communicating Arts and have won numerous national awards in recognition for design excellence in Corporate Image programs and Innovative Package Design. Also, I have served as a member of the Columbus Symphony Grand Ball Committee. Ralph Waldo Emerson says that our spontaneous action is always the best…that you cannot with your best deliberation come so close to any question or expression as your spontaneous action brings you. The works of Neil Motts gives the viewer provocative impulses and induces a new direction of thought and adventure to experience. To think, is said to be one of the most difficult of all tasks. At times it is necessary to be projected into another dimension. This collection does just that, it acts as a catalyst upon our horizontal concepts and activates dormant avenues of thought.
”Man’s mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension”. Oliver Wendall Holmes
For additional information contact me, 614.378.8522